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Manjaro Linux hangs on boot (after hard power off)

by on Sep.02, 2023, under Linux, Techie

While doing some PBO tuning in the BIOS I ran into an issue where X died and I forgot all about the CTRL+ALT+F1-9 option to get to a CLI which would then allow me to login and issue a correct “shutdown” command. After this hard shutdown the computer would hang at the boot up stage (the 3 dots on the screen of KDE).

Below are the steps taken to fix this (in short the boot drive needed fsck ran):

  • Create a bootable Manjaro Live Image ( using something like DD, Rufus, Etcher, etc. (this is why you should always have one laying around)
  • Once at the USB Live desktop open a Terminal window and use the “fsck” command (ie “fsck /dev/sda1“); you may need to use “sudo fsck“. NOTE: Make sure to not access any part of the drive needing checked (otherwise you will need to unmount it first).
  • You should run fsck on all the different partitions of the drive, and if you get a “Dirty Bit” error on the UEFI partition then I found it best to exit the fsck and then run “fsck -a /dev/sda1
  • Reboot and boot into the computer like normal

NOTE: You may need to use “lsblk -f” from the Terminal to figure out what the correct devices are. For example an NVME boot device UEFI partition should be something like “/dev/nvme0n1p1” and then the file storage something like “dev/nvme0n1p2”

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